The RecruiterU Has Merged!
As of August 1, 2024 TRU has merged with Next Level Exchange, Dimensional Search, Sanford Rose Associates, and all Starfish Partners enterprises to transform recruitment training, coaching, and consulting.
How to Determine Compensation for Referrals
QUESTION: I am meeting with a business coach tomorrow that is interested in sending referrals in exchange for a percentage of the placements that I make from his customers. I have never done this before. What is the typical percentage to pay someone that can give me...
Tracking Metrics for Email Conversations
QUESTION: We get a lot of emails, LinkedIn, etc. versus phone calls. What metrics are important to track to give that? - Brian ANSWER: I track response rates. If I send out 100 MPC emails, my clients are typically getting a 20% to 40% response rate. By response, I...
How to Fake It Until You Make it in a New Niche
QUESTION: I have a call with a potential client tomorrow and was told he expects me to have a network of candidates in their niche. Honestly, I am trying to break into this niche so I do not have many contacts yet. How do I fake until I make it? What good word tracks...
2019 Trends in Recruiting
QUESTION: What do you think the 3 new trends of recruiting in 2019 that are impacting our business? - Lisa, FL ANSWER: The ongoing trends are not anything specific. The main trends you are going to see are a continuing trend, because of market demographics meaning...
What to Do When Your Contact Goes Dark Before Signing the Agreement
QUESTION: I used an MPC to generate a new account and the Director of HR spoke to me and decided to introduce me to another HR person who handles a specific plant for this company. I developed a great relationship with this new HR person. We talked about the fee which...
How to Find New Clients
QUESTION: One of the major things that is holding me back is finding clients. - Roger ANSWER: When I hear someone has trouble finding and attracting clients I am guessing they are talking to almost nobody. We have measured this in a bunch of different desk...