The RecruiterU Has Merged!
As of August 1, 2024 TRU has merged with Next Level Exchange, Dimensional Search, Sanford Rose Associates, and all Starfish Partners enterprises to transform recruitment training, coaching, and consulting.
What to Look for When Hiring Recruiters
QUESTION: How do I know when to hire a recruiter and what should I look for? - Stephanie, Phoenix, AZ ANSWER: April 22-25th we're hosting The Free Recruiting Firm Scale Up Challenge to go over this in great detail, but I can try to give you that answer in five...
Finding Your Cadence: Adapting to Market Shifts in Recruitment The next question is from Sean.Mike, how are you seeing the recruiting market as we wrap Q1 2024? In most niches, and again, we’ve got a little over 100 clients in our high-end programs, pretty much all across the board...
Beat the Cold Call Blues: Proven Tips for Recruiting Success
This question is from a newer recruiter. I am going to start doing cold calls this week, first time ever, and I am not sure what to say or how to say it. Would you mind sharing some tips, tricks, or even an opening pitch that has yielded success with your cold...
How to Implement Performance-Based Pay in Recruiting
"Part of my question comes from our discussion in Charlotte about moving someone from research to doing more outreach. Part of the hesitation was that she could expect more pay, which would tie into performance-based pay. - Trevor Trevor, you do not appear like a...
How to Re-engage Former Clients and Win New Ones in Recruitment
Question: I do a lot of MPC business development calls. I am struggling with what to say to (1) a former client I have not talked with in a while and really don't have a strong MPC and (2) what to say with no MPC to a brand-new client. -Sharon...
Struggling, Stuck in Neutral, or Starting Over?
I remember when I was struggling in the early 1990s, and I patched together a few bucks, and I drove to Cleveland for a workshop with managing recruiters. I remember I drove because I could not afford the flight. I was really struggling. While I did forget the names...