Jun 26, 2018 | Uncategorized
QUESTION: I am bringing on a new search associate on salary versus my prior draw system. Since they are on salary, what do you do for the first quarter, not just pay commissions until cash comes in? – Tom, Denver, CO ANSWER: Very briefly, the role of a search...
Jun 19, 2018 | Outsourcing Recruiting Activities, Recruiting Research
QUESTION: Quick question regarding outsourcing. I get it when it comes to offloading certain sourcing tasks to contractors via Upwork. I understand getting a list back with names and email addresses. The part I do not understand is how a contractor is expected to...
Jun 12, 2018 | Metrics for Running a Successful Recruiting Firm
QUESTION: I want to start using KPIs (metrics). Can you please provide some guidance around getting started on this? Also I do not have a database so I will need to track things manually. I use Excel spreadsheet to keep track of clients’ calls and I keep candidates...
Jun 5, 2018 | Working with Candidates
QUESTION: My question is about working with a candidate that is about to be in the process of getting an offer. All along the candidate said, that they have no other offers. The client wants to make an offer, at that same moment the candidate says, that an interview...
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