QUESTION: Here in Canada, we are not in a market where we have a plentitude of search assignments to work on. We are an executive search firm offering full fee retained search in the $100,000 to $300,000 market. Our biggest challenge is getting new searches. We are considering hiring a lead generation person to telemarket for leads for our consultants. Any comments? – Bruce

ANSWER: Yes. I would be bringing on what we call the role of a marketing coordinator. I had somebody dedicated to lead generation on my desk. I did not have them following up on postings on job boards or anything, but we set up email and voicemail campaigns in the niches that I wanted to go after.
You can use a research partner such as Legacy International Group or Prudent Outsourcing (go here to see all of our trusted partners) to expand the contact list for your Marketing Coordinator. Regardless, you train the person to use MPC email marketing and flip marketing. Their whole job in your company is to engage probably 10 to 15 hiring managers a day with a marketing approach. If there is an opening, they set up an appointment with you to take the search.
The Marketing Coordinator position is a phenomenal mentoring tool also because when you take the search, they have to sit in on the call with you. If you are not in a physical office, it is a conference call or joint Zoom call, where you and your associate take the search.
Having your Marketing Associate sit-in taking the search assignment allowed them to learn the process and forced me to be on my A-game and not take any shortcuts. It made me a much better recruiter.
All clients in our coaching programs have access to a complete series of trainings on the roles of recruiters, how to recruit, interview, and onboard them. The entire role for the first three to four months is setting up appointments with people with openings. Ultimately, you will want to promote them to another level in your career and backfill them with another Marketing Coordinator. It is a great entry point into your company. That’s how I would approach it.
I appreciate the question.
P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways I can help you grow your recruitment business:
1. Grab a free copy of my Retainer Blueprint
It’s the exact, step-by-step process of getting clients to give you money upfront.
2. Join the Recruiter Think Tank and connect with firm owners who are scaling too It’s our Facebook community where smart recruiters learn to make more money and get more freedom.…
3. Join me at our next event
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4. Work with me and my team privately
And if you ever want to get some 1:1 help, we can jump on the phone for a quick call, and brainstorm how to get you more leads, more placements, and more time.
Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash
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