Most of the questions we’re fielding recently are about the marketing side of the business, marketing during uncertain times. I want to share a tip about recruiting and attracting candidates during uncertain times.
I’ve seen it happen in each of the four recessions I’ve worked through. The market starts to smell volatile, and candidates become unwilling to leave jobs when they swore they were dying to walk out the door three months ago.
It’s a conundrum, right? We need clients. We need candidates. We need candidates willing and able to make a move to make placements to help our clients solve their business needs.
We’ll talk more about this in the upcoming event that I’ll mention in a minute. But I want to leave you with a tip that you can use today.
And the tip is to start talking about security and their fears about making a change right up front in your qualifying conversations. I’ll share an actual sample script that you can use during the event, but here’s what you can use today to help normalize everybody’s anxiety about making a change. Just be matter of fact that in any economic environment, there is change and volatility.
And what are their needs surrounding security? What are their priorities? When you get them talking about what they need to see and what they’d want to see in their next opportunity to feel safe about making a change, you’re bringing that change conversation to the forefront.
So the event begins tomorrow! October 11-13th from 12-3 PM EST.
Click here for all the details.
We’ve discounted it to $49, so it’s a no-brainer. Hope I see you there!
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