Why Solo Recruiters Need A Website

QUESTION: I do not have a website.  The reason is I do not have many clients or job postings to put on it.  How important is it to have a website for a solo?  Vic, UK ANSWER: I would say it is very important to have a website.  Even when we were in the millions as a...

How and When to Follow Up on Marketing Emails

QUESTION: After sending out bulk marketing email, what is the suggested timeframe for a first followup call and what simple verbiage would you use? – Lance ANSWER: So I am assuming you are saying you sent out one, let us say on Monday, for those you did not hear...

MPC Email Marketing Best Practices

QUESTION: You make around 50 marketing calls with an MPC presentation in mind, I would be lucky if I speak with 5 people.  I do not leave a message or leave contact detail with the PAs because I am worried that I would not know who they are if and when they call me...

How to Find Candidates in Short Supply Markets

QUESTION: The biggest challenge we face with our company is finding doctors as candidates.  I run a medical recruitment business, and we are in the very low candidate short market.  We have lots of clients paying us good fees to find doctors, however, this is getting...

Can Speaking with an Accent Impact Your Business?

QUESTION:  I am not an English native speaker and I always wonder if my accent might be something that could make me sound less professional, hence less prone to be considered when I talk to a potential client, hiring managers, or human resources.  Your opinion would...