Rumor has it there’s a recession in the wind. I have no idea. My crystal ball is broken, but there’s one thing I know for sure. After surviving and thriving through four recessions, I’ve served my time in the business. I learned that if there is or if there was a recession, I would come out of the other side, and I would come out strong.
That can be true for you, too. And we’re running an event coming up that’s going to help you make that happen. We’re going to lay out an action plan for each part of your business that will help you create stability. It’s going to help you create certainty. Even though we’ve all got uncertainty swirling around us.
I don’t want you to have to wait until the event. So, here’s a tip you can start using now.
In times like this, if you’re going to work a job order, ensure you’ll get paid for it. And I’m not even talking about the debate between contingency and retained. Here’s what I’m talking about. Qualifying for urgency. Ask questions that help the prospect. Really challenge the prospect in a very consultative way.
Challenge this prospect or challenge the client to quantify in dollars and cents, costs and consequences, and gain. You’re challenging them to quantify the pain or gain of making this hire before you start working on it.
During the event, I’ll give you a specific list of questions you can use. But chew on that. Start thinking about that now.
The event is called Creating Recruiting Revenue CERTAINTY in Uncertain Economic Times, and it runs October 11-13th. We’ve discounted it down to $49 because we want to create easy access for recruiters everywhere to survive and thrive in a downturn. So, click here for more details because, frankly, now’s a great time to ensure you’ve got all the tools you need to weather any storm, whether it happens or not or to what degree.
I’ll see you there.

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