
Another full afternoon from the recruiting Firm Owner Summit!

Here’s my quick strategy take away’s you can use in your business RIGHT NOW:

1) A time management tipfrom Gary Stauble is that you should have 3 types of Days.  a) Focus days where you have focused intensity and execution (Mon-Thurs).

b) Buffer days, where you do your strategic work and planning (fri).

c) Free days, where you rejuvenate and refresh yourself (weekends)

2)Bill Radin’s observation in many offices he has consulted is that activity levels,phone connect time are way toooo low. Average office connect time is 1 hr 28 mins, should be over 3hrs.

3) There is an inverse relationship between the number of job orders a recruiter is working and the success of the recruiter.

This means the recruiter working on FEWER JO’s but getting candidate depth of coverage on them is often more successful.(Radin)4) When you are experiencing fear, reflect back on past successes and how you felt and acted.  The more you can connect with those thoughts and emotions, the more you help yourself in the present!

You can still register for the Summit.  Yesterdays (and everyday’s calls) are recorded so that you can listen on YOUR schedule or live, whatever suits you.

Register at www.TheRecruitingFirmOwnerSummit.com now
and get instant access to Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday’s recordings and the rest of the summit.

You will be able to access and listen to the RECORDED sessions for AT LEAST 2 MONTHS in our private members area!