
One of the largest voids I have found in the recruiting industry is the lack training or recruiting seminars dedicated specifically to us, the owners and managers of recruiting firms.

Well, I am doing my part to change that.  I have gathered some of the most influential thought leaders like Bob Marshall, Bill Radin, Gary Stauble, Bill Boorman, Margaret Graziano, Mark Berger plus several others in a one week virtual telesummit with one purpose:  to give you the tools, strategies, and tactics to emerge quickly and profitably from this recession.

What is a Virtual Telesummit?  The speakers come together every afternoon the week of March 8th for 4 hours each day and present to you in “your office”.  No travel or time away, so you have no excuse not to invest the time in your business.  Can’t be on some of the calls live?  No problem, you can listen whenever you want.  Recordings will be posted within 24 hours of the presentation.

I have asked all the speakers to pull back the curtain and share some of their secrets that have made them successful.  If you are looking for innovative ideas in finding, hiring, motivating recruiters you will want to listen in as to what these people have to say.

Check out the conference and the agenda.  Register HERE for free sneak preview calls where the speakers share some of the ideas they will be presenting at the Summit.