QUESTION: Mike, what new recruitment mindset strategy would you recommend now that the COVID pandemic is almost over? – JC

ANSWER: From a mindset standpoint, during the early months of COVID – I am going from memory and metrics from our clients – there was a struggle because almost everyone stopped or paused. We had people generate revenue, but the real turnaround was not seen until August 2020. We had several clients, not like a rare smattering, in multiple niches, have their best quarters ever, in the 3rd and 4th quarter of 2020. One client that was doing $150,000 a month by December was doing $300,000 a month in a marketplace where they were generic because their specialization was 50 miles to their office, so it covered multiple disciplines. It was not like this hot new industry- it was not Zoom technology or something like that.  

You do not need a new recruitment strategy because the recruitment strategies we have shared in previous blog posts and at our events work. 

The mindset is consistently asking yourself: What do I want, personally and professionally?  Just as setting a vision for yourself, you go through the process of writing your 30-, 60-, and 90- day plan as if it has already happened. You determine you are going to have it.

Then you look at your beliefs. What am I telling myself as to why I do not have it? Maybe you told yourself it was hard during COVID because hiring managers told you it was hard during COVID. I am not saying it was not harder; I am just saying that it is choosing for it to be hard from a mindset standpoint. Then start stacking evidence why the business you want is there. 

Here is a piece of evidence for you, JC. I never have, close to ever, seen a better time being a recruiter and engaging in excellent terms on the client-side than I have in August of 2021. We just ran some contests with our clients. The phenomenal growth of those who are intentional, using metrics, and engineering their day, weeks, and months to a predetermined outcome, are now in positions where they are firing their bad clients. Why are they able to fire bad clients?  Because they are consistent with their marketing and only taking work from their good ones.  

The evidence for you from a mindset perspective is I can have whatever I want. I just have to change the way I think about it.  

Here are the three main points to consider:

1 – From the standpoint of execution, I have to hit the execution targets to get to that number. That is the metrics side.

2 – I have to get over myself and get through the fear and be willing to tell clients that the way they want to work is unacceptable because if I make two more calls, there is another job order waiting for me that will probably be better.

3- I am setting expectations on the client-side and the candidate side and holding them accountable for that.

It is a great question.  

If you’re interested in taking your mindset to the next level, we are hosting the Elite Recruiter Mind 5-Day Challenge beginning August 23rd.

Get all the details on this FREE event right here.

P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways I can help you grow your recruitment business:  

1. Grab a free copy of my Retainer Blueprint  

It’s the exact, step-by-step process of getting clients to give you money upfront.   

2. Join the Recruiter Think Tank and connect with firm owners who are scaling, too. It’s our Facebook community where smart recruiters learn to make more money and get more freedom.  

3. Join me at our next event  

3x a year, I run a 3-day virtual intensive, sharing the 9 key areas that drive a 7-figure search firm. Click here to check out the dates of our upcoming event:   

4. Work with me and my team privately  

And if you ever want to get some 1:1 help, we can jump on the phone for a quick call and brainstorm how to get you more leads, more placements, and more time. 

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash