Apr 21, 2020 | Uncategorized
QUESTION: Once I have a solid phone number, I have no problem communicating and developing relationships. My issue is locating cell numbers. Most candidates I have found will respond to text or answer their cells. They no longer seem willing to answer their office...
Mar 31, 2020 | Uncategorized
QUESTION: Mike, is there a certain structure to a salesperson’s day that is the most productive, knowing there are no recruiting calls with candidates? What about a recruiter’s desk that has no business development, could you give me a rundown of ways to stay on...
Mar 17, 2020 | Recruiting Business Plans, Uncategorized
QUESTION: What process do you suggest to decide how to niche down, geography, industry, job type, titles? – Brian ANSWER: Great question. The most honest answer I can give you is it depends. Let me give you a couple of ways we niched in different market...
Mar 10, 2020 | Growing Recruiting Revenue, Uncategorized
QUESTION: Mike, 2019 has been a pretty good year for me. I am looking to break into another level and possibly start hiring people, but I am worried about the overhead and expenses with growing a firm. How can you help? – Larry ANSWER: So, a big, wide-open...
Mar 3, 2020 | Hiring/Firing Recruiters, Uncategorized
QUESTION: Hey Mike, I want to hire. I have heard you talk about different roles you can hire recruiters in. I am a solo now. Who should be my first hire? – Josephine ANSWER: A prescription without a diagnosis is malpractice. The answer is, in a real...
Feb 25, 2020 | Uncategorized
QUESTION: What is your opinion on the surge of artificial intelligence in recruiting and sourcing? Also, Indeed is getting into the business of contingency recruiting with pay-for-hire services, is this going to kill business for smaller agencies like us?-...
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