Is It Necessary to Have a Niche?

QUESTION: How important do you think it is working a niche or specialization? – Larry ANSWER: Very important. The riches are in the niches. I forgot who said that.  I did high tech sales in the ethernet router switching world, high end corporate into...

How to Overcome Fee Objections in Any Niche

QUESTION: I sent out a proposal yesterday for 25% on a search on a first year base salary.  This was the response I got:  Hey Todd, thanks.  I sure you would like to know you are officially the highest priced recruiter I have ever met, but I supposed...

Determining Urgency to Fill a Vacancy

QUESTION: If you do not feel there is urgency for a client to fill a position, how do you address that with them? Do you tell the client you cannot help them with a position for that reason? – Jody   ANSWER: Jody, great question and thank you for submitting it....

Mitigating Failure When Submitting Multiple Candidates

QUESTION: How do you reduce the risk of failure when presenting multiple candidates to multiple clients? I have 2 similar clients with the same type of opening. I have presented multiple candidates for both. Candidate A and candidate B both like client #1’s...

How Script Your MPC Marketing

QUESTION: Mike, I would like some ideas for a script for marketing MPCs or general marketing approaches, i.e. email, LinkedIn, telephone. – Jeff ANSWER: I hate the word script. It means there is something I can say at you that will sell you.   Now, MPC marketing...

How to Follow up on MPC emails

QUESTION: What are some good followup conversations to a marketing email that contains info on a candidate? – Lance ANSWER: QUESTION: What are some good followup conversations to a marketing email that contains info on a candidate? – Lance ANSWER: I assume...